[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”5/6″][headings alignment=”” heading=”Code of conduct for Students”][vc_column_text]The Student Code of Conduct sets out the standards of conduct expected of students. It holds individuals and groups responsible for the consequences of their actions. Failure to fulfill these responsibilities may result in the withdrawal of privileges or the imposition of sanctions. The Student Code of Conduct reflects a concern for these values and tries to ensure the discipline and manners in students.

When does the code apply?

The Student Code of Conduct applies to any student enrolled in School’s ongoing session. The Code applies to conduct that occurs on or near the premises of the School building. It does not apply to conduct that is assigned to another disciplinary body at the Institution, including allegations regarding a student’s failure to meet standards of professional conduct.

Prohibited conduct

Prohibited conduct under the Code includes but is not limited to:

  • Assaulting, harassing, intimidating, or threatening another individual or group
  • Endangering the health or safety of other Students.
  • Stealing, misusing, destroying, defacing or damaging School property or property belonging to someone else
  • Disrupting School activities
  • Using School facilities, equipment, services or computers without authorization
  • Supplying false information to the School or forging, altering or misusing any School document or record
  • Encouraging, aiding, or conspiring in any prohibited conduct
  • Failing to comply with a disciplinary measure or disciplinary measures imposed under the procedures of this Code

Disciplinary measures

Disciplinary Measures that may be imposed under the Code include but are not limited to: 

  • Written warning or reprimand
  • Probation, during which certain conditions must be fulfilled and good behavior must be demonstrated
  • Payment of costs or compensation for any loss, damage or injury caused by the conduct
  • Issuance of an apology, made publicly or privately
  • Loss of certain privileges
  • Restriction or prohibition of access to, or use of, School facilities, services, activities or programs
  • Fines or loss of fees
  • Relocation or exclusion from residence
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion

Discipline Committee 

  1. Discipline committee is responsible for the planning, organization, development and monitoring matters related to student discipline at AST.
  2. Assist the Principal in making decision on selecting the staff of the AST discipline team.
  3. Assist the Principal in developing AST discipline policy.
  4. To handle administrative matters related to student discipline work.
  5. Coordinate all functions organized by the AST discipline team.
  6. Monitor the use of resources allocated to AST discipline work.

Implement and enforce the AST discipline policy and AST rules.

  1. Assist other teachers in managing students with serious behavior problems.
  2. To collaborate with parents of students with behavior problems and helping the students to overcome their difficulties.
  3. Refer students, wherever necessary, to the guidance team for follow up work.
  4. Take the lead in conducting investigation of complaint from students, parents, teachers and public.
  5. Review the AST discipline policy, AST rules and the work of the discipline committee and make changes according to the needs of the students, the AST and community. To act as an advisor on students’ discipline matters.

Responsibilities of students

Students must:

  1. Show full compliance with School rules including uniform, full attendance, behavioral expectations.
  2. be punctual and regular to college.
  3. Speak in English in School except in Urdu language class.
  4. Not leave School premises unless it has been sanctioned by the VP / Principal and early leave diary is signed by the parent/guardian.
  5. Come to college properly dressed in prescribed uniform, shoes & hair style.
  6. Participate in co-curricular activities.
  7. Not engage in discussions with opposite gender outside classroom at all and it is discouraged even on the face book and social media.
  8. Not answer back and argue to domestic staff, teachers & management.
  9. Not leave school premises without approval from management etc.
  10. Not bring mobile (Students are not allowed to bring, exchange or sale any gadgets including CD /DVD’s, AUDIO/VIDEO CASSETTES/ GAMES, MUSIC PLAYERS, MOBILE PHONES, SIMS, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, DIARY, ANY GIFT ITEMS or anything not related to their studies).
  11. it’s better to spend limited time on TV, computers, mobiles and other gadgets. Children must involve in sports instead, to be physically & mentally active.


Personal hygiene and cleanliness is indispensable. To maintain a neat and presentable appearance:

  1. Teeth must be brushed twice a day: after breakfast & after dinner
  2. Students should trim their nails short on the week end and keep them clean daily
  3. Students must take bath daily, use deodorant and wear clean uniform and socks every day.
  4. Girls should not wear any type of makeup, e.g. lip gloss, eye makeup, mehndi, nail polish, jewelry etc.
  5. Girls should not do eyebrows and must come to college in a modest & decent appearance with loosely fitted uniform.
  6. Girls should comb & tie their hair properly in black or dark blue hair bands. Girls with short hair length must pin them up in a way that they do not fall on the face. Keeping long hair open will not be allowed.
  7. Boys should have their hair trimmed and keep them clean & combed without gel, spikes or any hair carvings. They must not have eyebrows partly shaven or with any cuts.
  8. Male and female students must wear prescribed uniform and should not wear any jewelry or fancy accessories.
  9. Boys must wear plain black belts without any ornamental buckles
  10. School shoes must be polished daily

(Joggers/trainers are not to be allowed).

  1. Students should not wear colored lenses, jewelry like rings, bracelets, chains, earrings/studs and wrist watches are not allowed, etc.
  2. Students must not alter uniform and get it fitted. Uniform is designed on a standard size and must be worn without further fitting or alteration.
  3. Boys must not get their trousers fitted. Boys must wear trousers on the waist not too low to make it look shabby and untidy.


  1. Late comers will be reminded twice verbally to be on time. After that a letter of concern may be issued. After third letter of concern a fine of Rs. 50/ will be added in fee challan for any late comings in that week and every 2nd late coming in subsequent weeks of the same months.
  2. Leave of absence must be given in advance in the form of application signed by parents. In case of sickness or an emergency, college should be contacted through a phone call (which should be made by 07:45 a.m. – 08:15 a.m.).
  3. A fine of Rs 200 per day will be imposed for students in case of absence without prior permission. 100% Attendance is mandatory for all these students especially during assessments, examination and Summer Classes. Parents must inform the college management about their child’s absence as explained above and ask for leave explaining the reason of absence.
  4. In case of absence without leave, name of the student may be struck off after 3 days.
  5. Library books must be returned within the time limit given by the Library Incharge. Half the price of book will be charged if the book is torn and two times the price of the book will be charged if the book is lost. Library books will not be issued to the child who misplaces the library book twice in a Term.
  6. In case of any damage to the college property, e.g. furniture, walls, windows, white/soft boards, lab equipment, security cameras, etc. the responsible student will have to pay for replacement of item.

NOTE: This code of conduct will remain in effect throughout Childs studies at TGH. Parents will be sent new “code of conduct” in case there is any change in these rules & regulations.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”90″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]